Monday, November 27, 2006

Ride The Royal Rainbow

Okay, Thanksgiving weekend is over. I'm happy to report that I didn't sustain any grevious bodily injuries during a "Black Friday" shopping trip (because I stayed home and watched DVD's like a true lazy sonofabitch). I did, however, venture out to what could be considered an even more dangerous locale than the malls Friday night: downtown Springfield.

Though it was frightening, I survived thanks to large cups of gin, 80's tunes, and some good companionship. Saturday I spent a few hours with a friend playing the most bizarre video game of all-time. It's horrifying, but fun and addicting as hell. The music has to be heard to be believed. Sunday, Tom and the Patriots eeked out a victory over "Da Bears", and afterwards I met up with the Madfrog to look over some of the webcomic stuff. So far it all looks incredible and I can't wait to tell you all more about it. There will be more details in the future, just keep checking back.

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