Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Blue Tuesday

Tuesday, November 7, 2006 was a damned great day. It was a day Americans decided to give a big "fuck you" to George W. Bush and all of his Republican cronies who have been running this country into the ground relentlessly for almost six years now. The Democratic party seized complete control over the House of Representatives, and during LOST tonight, it was announced that Democrat George Webb finally won the deciding Senate seat in Virginia after much confusion over Republican George "Macaca" Allen, giving the Dems full control over the Senate as well. (Unfortunately, that jackass Allen is going to demand a re-count, so we won't have an official end to all of this until sometime before Christmas).

Earlier today we also got rid of that condescending, incompetent jerk Donald Rumsfeld, thanks to a calculated political move by our beloved President. Sure, it's nice to be rid of the Secretary of Defense, but the move completely overshadowed what should have been a day of glory for the Democratic party, which is exactly what the President wanted to do. Mission accomplished, George. Enjoy it while you can, because the political party that actually gives a shit about working families, struggling students, and our beleaguered troops is about to make your life very difficult.

Fuckin' great day...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Democrats are no better than Republicans. They're all politicians and could care less about average working class people. You think John Kerry cares about you? Hell no, he married KETCHUP! They're in it for themselves. Besides, a LOT of Democrats could not be distinguished politically from Republicans. Democrats have control of Congress, whoopee. Get ready for more political deadlock, higher taxes, and rediculous laws designed to keep us "safer". The Who said it best, "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss"