Before we go any further here, I suggest that those of you with an intolerance for all things geeky, nerdy, or any subject matter that deals with the world of Sci-Fi/Fantasy fandom, stop reading this immediately and go Google yourself some porn or something.
With that out of the way, I can now gush about one of the coolest days that I've had in quite some time. Today a couple of my buddies and I ventured out to the United Fan Con, a Sci-Fi Convention held at a local hotel. Normally I wouldn't be all that geared up to wade through packs of unwashed Trekkies peddling dusty collectibles and signed 8X10's of various Starfleet captians or Buffy cast members, but this year was different...this year SHE was going to be there:

Yep, my celebrity crush, the beautiful and talented Jewel Staite. Jewel plays the adorable, flirty ship's mechanic in the film
Serenity, as well as
Firefly, the short-lived TV series the movie was based on. There were also several other notable genre stars at the show, including Grace Park (Boomer from
Battlestar Galactica), Peter Tork and Davey Jones from the Monkees, Linda Blair (the little girl in
The Exorcist), and Captian Kirk himself, William Shatner! (Shatner was only there Saturday, however).
I couldn't care less about these people, though. I was there for one reason and one reason only: meet Jewel and get an autographed picture! Fortunately for me, a friend of mine was one of the event organizers, and her generosity totally blew me away. I was hooked up with a beautiful 8X10 of Jewel, so all I had to do was get in line and pay for my autograph. After a brief wait, I was finally face to face with Jewel and let me tell you, this woman is FLAWLESS. She is spectacularly gorgeous in real life, and she couldn't have been any nicer. I, on the other hand, was a nervous mess. I don't even remember what I blurted out to her after "I'm a huge fan...", but I'm sure it was incredibly stupid and/or incoherent. Nevertheless, I walked away with an ear to ear smile, gleefully clutching my new prize posession:

Yep, it's personalized. Jealous, aint'cha?
Anyway, thanks to my wonderful friend, I was also able to get into Jewel's Q&A session, in which she fielded queries from the Sci-Fi crowd that ranged from interesting to completely idiotic. Her stories about the ongoing prank war between her and Nathan Fillion (another Firefly cast member), were funny as hell, as were her anecdotes about trying to land a role in Joss Whedon's (the director/writer of
Serenity) upcoming movie adaptation of
Wonder Woman. So, if you are a total geek like me, it was a great day all around. I also got a hug from a cute girl dressed up as a pirate!
Before I go, I want to say congratulations to my dear friend Tiana, who recently gave birth to a baby boy named Sammy. I wish her and her husband Ryan all the best with this new addition to their family. Love you guys!